This course-project is a Movie Rental Application made with
C# (Windows Forms) & MS-SQL.
In addition to CRUD operations on users and movies, it has a
search feature for borrowing movies. And it can display all
non-returned movies belonging to a particular user.
A group of four students worked on this project, and I
developed the logic and code behind the Borrow, Return and
Report pages.
For the website version, a Log-in feature is used for the administrator, and in the
API version, a third party OAuth provider (Auth0) has been implemented with user
registration functionality and roles.
This is a simple game of Tic Tac Toe, written in Java, using
GUI, where the Human user plays against the computer. I have
used NetBeans IDE to auto generate the GUI part. Each of the
nine playing fields is indeed a button. The button text can
be X, O or Empty. The user always starts first, and after
they choose a field, the event handler will save that
information, check if the game is over or not, and if not,
run the computer's process to make a move. Finally, the
program will wait for the next input from the user.
For more information about this project check the Readme
file on GitHub.
When it is the computer's turn, it will go through the
following array, to check the fields and make a decision:
{row1 row2 row3 col1 col2 col3 crs1 crs2}
The computer uses a 5-step strategy for winning the game:
If there are two O's in a line somewhere, place the 3rd
one and win.
If there are two X's in a line somewhere, place the O to
prevent loss.
If none of the above happened, and the center is empty,
fill it.
If there is an O and two Empty fields somewhere,
randomly choose one of them to place O.